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My new toy. - Marice Ryan, 31 Dec 2006my partner bought me this 1978 midget for christmas,what a surprise !!!!!!!!!
New Lights - Simon Kale, 30 Dec 2006The day I fitted my new rear lights.
Horny MG ZR - Simon Kale, 30 Dec 2006More photos of my air horns
Horny MG ZR - Simon Kale, 30 Dec 2006This was the day I fitted air horns to my MG.
MGA 1500 Coupé - Paul Mol, 27 Dec 2006MGA 1500 Coupé Mineral Blue
Autumn Gold Run 2006 - Peter Hood, 24 Dec 2006Last road run of the year
Green Goddess!! - Andrew Deighton, 19 Dec 20061973 1275..engine overhauled, balanced crank, flywheel & clutch recon box, prop, brakes,stainless exhaust and new windscreen!..Just love it!
My ZT. - mark sweeney, 19 Dec 2006My pride and joy.
Dave's V8GT - Dave Wellings, 14 Dec 2006Out for a December run, 2006.
Dave's V8GT - Dave Wellings, 14 Dec 2006Underbonnet 1 at Dec2006
Dave's V8GT - Dave Wellings, 14 Dec 2006Underboonnet 2 at Dec2006
Just another nice cb roadster - Rob Nicholson, 9 Dec 2006Red Bonk sitting in Knole Park
Sebring Roadster - Peter O, 28 Nov 2006....and from behind.
Sebring Roadster - Peter O, 28 Nov 2006After six years of blood, sweat and beer, it's finally on the road.
M Type Racing Engine - Max Nunn, 28 Nov 2006Rebuild just completed
Gasp!! - Larry O Reilly, 27 Nov 2006Finding my first classic for restoration, a 1959 Californian 1500 MGA !
Factory Pipes - Simon Roadhouse, 26 Nov 2006All MGs should come like this as standard
British Racing Green MGF - Nic Scales, 24 Nov 2006My British Racing Green MGF with tolerant and supportive girlfriend in passenger seat!
1967 MGBGT 'Kamilla' - Jack Burkitt, 22 Nov 2006'Kamilla' interior after rebuild
1967 MGBGT 'Kamilla' - Jack Burkitt, 22 Nov 2006'Kamilla' with Avro Lancaster bomber at Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
1967 MGBGT 'Kamilla' in rural Lincolnshire - Jack Burkitt, 22 Nov 2006MGOC Ireland tour - in the mountains of Co Mayo
1967 MGBGT 'Kamilla' in rural Lincolnshire - Jack Burkitt, 22 Nov 2006In a field of oilseed rape in Lincolnshire
Last US MGB - Peter Rogers, 20 Nov 2006This is the last federal MGB at a Toronto Motor show earlier this year. It was presented to Henry Ford II early in 1981. It currently has 2000 miles on the clock.
Mighty MG - Carl Dell, 14 Nov 2006My MGA Twin Cam
Mighty MG - Carl Dell, 14 Nov 2006My MGA Twin Cam.
It just gets better! - JOHN HOWSHAM, 11 Nov 2006Somewhere in the Yorkshire Wolds[GODS COUNTRY]
Shropshire Ambulance MG ZT-T - Ian Alton, 11 Nov 2006Supplied brand new by MG Rover to West Midlands and Shropshire Ambulance Service for responder purposes.
Midget again - Chris Hassall, 9 Nov 2006Another view. Definitely going to have to put proper, traditional number plates on it!
My little one (and me annoyed about something!) - Chris Hassall, 9 Nov 20061971 midget, with me looking annoyed about something!
Ready to go - Ray Gledhill, 9 Nov 2006TF 135 Polished and ready to go
MG Works Fire Appliance - Simon Veasey, 6 Nov 2006Found this little beauty at the Caldecote Steam Party near Nuneaton, it's claimed to be the only Abingdon Fire Engine ... very nice!
Too late for shovelling - Ray van der Ham, 2 Nov 2006An alternative for snowboarding
THE DUDE - LEIGH JONES, 2 Nov 2006Purchased Jan 06 5000 miles the best car I ever bought - only white TF I know of (yet)
MGR in Tobermoray - October 2006 - Mark Garrett, 31 Oct 2006Our furthest point from home - Tobermoray on the Isle of Mull.
New Black Roadster2 - Simon Veasey, 30 Oct 2006Surprising what an hour with the polish and mop can achieve
New Black Roadster - Simon Veasey, 30 Oct 2006The latest addition to the stable a fun black Roadster
MG at Robinhoods Bay - Simon Roadhouse, 30 Oct 2006A Day out in heartbeat contry
well why not - ray jones, 26 Oct 2006my car and only my car
Well why not? - Ray Jones, 26 Oct 2006My car and only my car
Two beasts - Bogi Baldursson, 20 Oct 2006Our smallest and the biggest......
Midget / Trabant - Baldursson Bogi, 19 Oct 2006Jón Baldur´s Trabant next to our Midget part of the family as well as a few VW
MG hits Iceland - Bogi Baldursson, 18 Oct 2006MG Midget T registration vehicle arrived in Iceland some 4 weeks ago.
First show - Simon Prince, 18 Oct 2006This is not a very good picture of my car (complete with flag!) at the MG picnic at Wimpole Hall this summer - What a great day!
1974 BGT V8 - Simon Prince, 18 Oct 2006The engine after a few weeks hard work.
1974 BGT V8 - Simon Prince, 18 Oct 2006The car just purchased! Engine bay prior to top end re-build
1974 BGT V8 - Simon Prince, 18 Oct 2006The car just purchased!
'Rosie' 37 years young, the car that is. - Chris Young, 13 Oct 2006My 1969 Midget 'ROSIE', still going strong in Bushey Park, 2006
Rosie - Chris Young, 13 Oct 2006My 1969 Midget 'ROSIE', still going strong in Bushey Park, 2006
73 Midget - Steve Purves, 11 Oct 2006My first car, just bought her in july.
My MG ZT-T - Chris Lathey, 11 Oct 20062002 ZT-T 190+
More of Atherstone - Gerard Somers, 9 Oct 2006More cars at the show...who's the Aussie in the yellow?
More of Atherstone - Gerard Somers, 9 Oct 2006More cars at the show...
More of Atherstone - Gerard Somers, 9 Oct 2006This went through the arch of flame..
TF in camp - Bob Heslop, 5 Oct 2006MG TF used for its first camping expedition, August 2006
spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Antonio Bertini's Speedwell
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - English trio
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Who said Italians are well-mannered.....?
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Roger Cope's car
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - James Cottingham's car
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Barry Sidery-Smith and partners '"one-eyed" car going for the Raidillon
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Barry Sidery-Smith and partners 'car
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Malcom Johnson out of the bus stop chicane
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - A lil' wee too fast !
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Chris Wood and Alec Poole fighting it out !!
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Bob Ridgard's car
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - John Foster's car
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Richard Lawson's car
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race -
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Alec Poole's MGB
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Tony Barnard's MGB
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Austin healey Sprite of Nigel Adams
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - early stage of the race
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Six Hour endurance race - Bill Kirkpatrick chasing at night !!
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006RAC Woodcote Trophy - A very enthusiastic driver (Barry Sidery-Smith's co driver !)in Austin Healey
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006RAC Woodcote Trophy - Sir Stirling Moss at the wheel of OSCA MT4
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006RAC Woodcote Trophy - Barry Sidery-Smith in 1954 Austin Healey 100M but with MG badge on left arm !!!
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006RAC Woodcote Trophy - Barry Sidery-Smith in 1954 Austin Healey 100M
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006RAC Woodcote Trophy - MGA close up
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006RAC Woodcote Trophy - getting out of the bus stop chicane (same place, other driver !)
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006RAC Woodcote Trophy - getting out of the bus stop chicane
spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006RAC Woodcote Trophy - a little too optimistic....
Spa six hours - Sept 30 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006RAC Woodcote Trophy - MGA in the paddock, right before the start
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Top Hat practice - MGB of Simon and Mark Ashworth
spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Top Hat practice - MGB of Simon and Mark Ashworth
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Top Hat practice - Peter Bowyer at the wheel
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Top Hat practice - Martin Russell at the wheel
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006C'me on ! Get out o' my way !
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006MG K2 at the bus stop chicane/2
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006MG K2 at the bus stop chicane
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Hairy qualifying lap
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Getting ready for practice lap
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain Van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Barry Sidery-Smith enjoying a chat with a fellow driver
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain Van brussel, 2 Oct 2006Austin Sebring Sprite in the paddock
Spa six hours - Sept 29 -2006 - Alain Van brussel, 2 Oct 2006MG K2 in the paddock
Mark & Terry - Lynn Rutland, 1 Oct 2006At the starting line on the way to Chatsworth House
What a lovely run - Ken Grindrod, 29 Sep 2006Harrogate MG Owners Club run on the 5th of August 2006
Wedding GT - Simon Clark, 28 Sep 2006Just married
Wedding GT - Simon Clark, 28 Sep 2006Wedding Day
Groom & Best mans carriage - Peter Jackson, 28 Sep 2006Bridget got more admirers than the M3!!
Lisa Appleby-Beattie and her 1500 Midget - Tim Beattie, 25 Sep 2006Lisa pictured with TGT 112W in 2005. It's now off the road being fully restored
MGA - Cruz Alberto, 23 Sep 2006MGA Twin Cam Coupe & MGA MKII DeLuxe Roadster
Jan 63 pull-handle B - Rob Symonds, 22 Sep 2006See more pics at www.rwscars.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk
My ZT-T 260SE - Julian Holder, 22 Sep 2006Pure muscle, with a touch of luxury in Dark Fantasy.
Callander 2006 - Roger Pratten, 20 Sep 2006Northant's Members geting ready to do battle with Lotus and X19's in the Callander challenge.
Atherstone 2006 show - Gerard somers, 18 Sep 2006Panoramic view Sunday 17 September
Atherstone 2006 show - Gerad somers, 18 Sep 2006Panoramic view Sunday 17 September
Shooting Brake - Jens Harrasz, 18 Sep 2006Idea of a GT-based family car... (This is only a 'study' and the car has not been built, yet. ;-))
Good Company - Jens Harrasz, 11 Sep 2006Nice couple... 1968 MGB GT and 2005 Aston Martin DB9
Mustang SALLY - Terry Ford, 10 Sep 2006Its a V8 Thing....
Little Red One - derek rendle, 7 Sep 2006My little red MGF
my silver mgtf - douglas mackenzie, 6 Sep 2006Hope you like the pic>
new wheels and spoiler - douglas mackenzie, 6 Sep 2006Hi, hope you like my MG because I do.
Re-united - Jens Harrasz, 6 Sep 2006"Emma" reunited with her first owner's family at the 1020 Bournemouth & Poole Athelhampton House Gathering 2006 (36 yrs after having been sold)
Kimber Sunshine - Andrew Bunce, 5 Sep 2006Our first run out this year and it has already shattered the advert of "Dry use Only??"
Beauty and the Beast - Andrew Bunce, 5 Sep 2006Yorkshire Air Museum Elvington York is privileged to have its fine Halifax Bommer outside behind my BGT
The Power and The Glory - Andrew Bunce, 5 Sep 2006My BGT in front of and 11 Sqn English Electric Lightning now based at the Yorkshire Air Museum Elvington York
MG ZS V6 180 - James Weston, 4 Sep 2006My new lights!
Callander 2006 - Roger Pratten, 4 Sep 2006See it does shine on the MG stand in Scotland!
callander sunshine - roger pratten, 4 Sep 2006Northant's getting ready to do battle with X19's and lotus in the callander challange
ZS 180 - Peter Bowler, 4 Sep 2006ZS 180 on holiday in Cornwall
Walnut interior - Peter Hood, 1 Sep 2006Walnut interior showing mobile phone holder and GPS.
Bosworth Battle Field - Peter Hood, 1 Sep 2006Trip to Bosworth battle field.
Bronze rear lights - Peter Hood, 1 Sep 2006Rare bronze Lexus style rear lights!
Washed & Polished - Peter Hood, 1 Sep 2006New grill badges and chrome door handles fitted
Washed & Polished - Peter Hood, 1 Sep 2006Looking good between showers!
Driving around Gaydon - Peter Hood, 31 Aug 2006I know I said drive up close for a picture, but I didn't mean that close!
Driving around Gaydon - Peter Hood, 31 Aug 2006Kim Getting use to my MGF again!
Driving around Gaydon - Peter Hood, 31 Aug 2006Kim Getting use to my MGF
Lets make some noise! - Mark Garrett, 25 Aug 200612" Sony Xplod Sub powered by Kenwood amp.
Silver RV8 with clear lamps - Mark Garrett, 25 Aug 2006UK RV8 with fogs and clear indicators
RV8 revamped interior - Mark Garrett, 25 Aug 2006Retrimmed by Mike Satur Automotive
Little red number - Derek Rendle, 24 Aug 2006Pride and lots of joy
MGOT at Croft - Nick Parrans-Smith, 22 Aug 2006On the pit straight at Croft on the MGs On Track day in August 2006.
Mark Garrett - Mark Garrett, 21 Aug 2006Repsrayed & reupholstered by Mike Satur. Now sporting 17" Compomotive Minilites
Sisters - Bob Kearns, 19 Aug 2006MGF Trophy 160Bathed In Sunshine
Sisters - Bob Kearns, 19 Aug 2006MGF Trophy 160and MGF 75th AnniversaryBathed In Sunshine
Cinderella WILL go to the ball (one day....) - Nicola Dewar, 18 Aug 2006Our recently purchased 1974 MGB Roadster. A long-term restoration project. One day she will be beautiful......
La balade des passionnes june 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006Double dutch
La balade des passionnes june 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006Nice pair !
La balade des passionnes june 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006Another beauty
La balade des passionnes june 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006The MG church ! (But the priest was driving a....Toyota !?!? Only God can forgive !
La balade des passionnes june 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006Gathering in the court of the Abbaye of Stavelot
La balade des passionnes june 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006This is the car that had the supercharger !
La balade des passionnes june 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006
La balade des passionnes june 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006Supercharger on MG engine
La balade des passionnes june 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006Faithful Weenie at the Stavelot (near Spa/Francorchamps) "balade des passionnés"
Nurburgring oldtimer festival 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006MG K2 in full flight...
Nurburgring oldtimer festival 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006MG K2
Nurburgring oldtimer festival 2006 - Alain Van brussel, 17 Aug 2006MG PB 2
Nurburgring oldtimer festival 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006MG pb 2
Nurburgring oldtimer festival 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006MG PB
Nurburgring oldtimer festival 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006Baby blue Midget 4 - this one has been "reworked" by computer program !
Nurburgring oldtimer festival 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006Baby blue Midget 3
Nurburgring oldtimer festival 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006Baby blue Midget 2
Nurburgring oldtimer festival 2006 - alain van brussel, 17 Aug 2006Baby blue Midget 1
My last MG, ZR 160. - James Weston, 17 Aug 2006Front splitter, rear LED lights, 18" wheels which are now on my ZS!
My last MG, ZR 160. - James Weston, 17 Aug 2006front splitter, rear LED lights, 18" wheels which are now on my ZS!
Me and my MGB - Don Shiells, 15 Aug 2006This is Patsy before restoration which is now nearing completion.
Midget at Tenterden 2006 - David Barrow, 14 Aug 2006Tenterden Kent MG rally 2006
Rebuild complete 3 - David Barrow, 14 Aug 2006Midget after rebuild
Rebuild complete 2 - David Barrow, 14 Aug 2006Midget after trim and seats finished
Rebuild complete (almost) - David Barrow, 14 Aug 2006Midget after trim and seats finnished
Home made trim - David Barrow, 14 Aug 2006Midget after trim and seats finnished
Did I really buy this - David Barrow, 14 Aug 2006Midget at the start of its new life
The C with new front and hardtop - Terry Hoath, 12 Aug 2006Removed the overriders which were poor quality and decided I liked it. Also put on a B grille with honeycombe sprayed silver for a more 'up to date' look. The hardtop is a bargain from e-bay and fitted just in time for the rain!
M Type - Terry Hoath, 11 Aug 2006Lovely little M Type Midget seen at Wings and Things at Woodchurch, Kent on August 6 2006
1st In Class - Les Davison, 10 Aug 2006Harrogate MGOC Northern National MG Based Kit Car 1st In Class 2006
Best In Show - Darren Neale, 10 Aug 2006Harrogate MG Show.Awarded Best MG Midget in Show
1st in Class - Darren Neale, 10 Aug 2006Harrogate MG 2006MGOC Northern National MG Midget Rubber Bumper 1st in Class
The 4 - Terry Hoath, 9 Aug 2006Four C's in a row at last month's meeting in East Kent
Taken at Santa Pod. - James Weston, 8 Aug 2006MG ZS 180 V6
MG ZS 180 V6 - James Weston, 4 Aug 2006Navy blue
BGT with shiny new wheels - Simon Murray, 4 Aug 200615" minilite replicas
My Baby - Debra Radford, 4 Aug 2006The whole of July with the top down what a treat!!
ZR 105+ - John Phillips, 2 Aug 2006This is the wifes pride and joy!
My ZT 135+ - John Phillips, 2 Aug 2006Picture taken at Dunster beach
Our MG - John Phillips, 2 Aug 2006A beautiful pair!
C line up - Terry Hoath, 31 Jul 2006A nice line up of Cs at our recent Meeting in East Kent.
Silver MGRV8 with Minilites - Mark Garrett, 28 Jul 2006Resprayed & retrimmed by Mike Satur in 2003, now sporting 17" Compomotive Minilites from Clive Wheatley in 2006.
2nd MGB - lee griffin, 27 Jul 2006My 2nd MGB GT
Atherstone Classic Car Show Poster - Alan Stout, 16 Jul 2006This is the New poster for the World Famous classic car show
Spa Historic Grand Prix 2006 - alain van brussel, 16 Jul 2006Climbing up the Raidillon during the 2-hour race in Spa-Francorchamps
Spa Historic Grand Prix 2006 - alain van brussel, 16 Jul 2006Another shot of Bob Luff and Ian Prior during the 2-hour race in Spa-Francorchamps
Spa Historic Grand Prix 2006 - alain van brussel, 16 Jul 2006Bob Luff and Ian Prior during the 2-hour race in Spa-Francorchamps
Spa Historic Grand Prix 2006 - alain van brussel, 16 Jul 2006Bob Luff and Ian Prior during practice at the bus stop chicane in Spa-Francorchamps
Gladdis as was - Ann Allsop, 13 Jul 2006Gladdis prior to work G-AN 1/14517
New toy - John Barker-Platt, 12 Jul 2006Mmmmm...Nice rear!
New toy - John Barker-Platt, 12 Jul 2006Comin' at ya!
New toy - John Barker-Platt, 12 Jul 2006She just had to be in the picture!
MGA LE MANS - Jose Carmona, 5 Jul 2006An 1959 with 1800 MGB engine + many upgrades. Delightful and enjoyable as it seems.
limited edition model, police MGMagnette ZA - ray howard, 4 Jul 2006This is a terric white metal model of the Essex Police MG Magnette ZA as used on patrol from Chelmsford Police HQ. The model is limited to just 25 in total and was produced by Crossways of Lincolnshire. Part of my collection of Police vehicles, sadly the only MG I have left. Shown displayed on the book MG's on Patrol, which also features a photo of the real machine.
Gladdis - Ann Allsop, 3 Jul 2006At last
Cornish dusk - Ian Came-Johnson, 29 Jun 2006Sun setting on a Cornish evening
New Exhaust 2 - simon veasey, 28 Jun 2006Another low level arty shot of the new zorst!!
New Exhaust - simon veasey, 28 Jun 2006New "pimped" exhaust ... children and small animals are at risk of getting lost in here!!
Ride Height - Vince badminton, 28 Jun 2006Is it too high?
At Knaresborough - James Vickers, 27 Jun 2006On a wonderful trip around the Dales
My 1972 MGB GT - Colin Jones, 26 Jun 2006This photo was taken on 25/6/2006 at a Morris Minor Rally where I won the Best Visitor Class.
A couple more shots of the new car - ray howard, 26 Jun 2006Nice rear view
A couple more shots of the new car - ray howard, 26 Jun 2006The last pic showed dust on the bonnet, she looks much nicer cleaned up. Hoping to go on MGOC events during the year
My MG - Stephen Randell, 26 Jun 2006ZT & TF on drive last year. The ZR is at work.
Silverstone - Peter Hood, 24 Jun 2006MGF's line up at Silverstone
My first MG - Ray howard, 24 Jun 2006After waiting years to own an MG I have at last achieved my goal, albeit having to have to retire first. The dust from the sahara winds spoils the bonnet a bit, but will have new shots soon
My pride and joy - Alun Davies, 24 Jun 2006My pride and joy, taken during the Vales & Valleys run 2006
A flotilla of MGs on a Norwegian Ferry - Nigel & Jo May, 23 Jun 2006Taken on a ferry crossing during MG Norway 2006.
Our 73 BGT on holiday in Norway - Nigel & Jo May, 23 Jun 2006Taken whilst on MG Norway 2006 outside one of our hotels.
My First MG - Andy Perry, 22 Jun 2006This is my pride and joy, and also my first MG
MGB Roadster 1964 LHD - Harri Koponen, 22 Jun 2006A photo of my MGB taken in summer 2003 before the restoration. This car was originally an American export model.
New Rear Lights and Wheels - Jonathan moulds, 22 Jun 2006Installed some MK1 lights onto my V8 conversion... Well I think they look nice!
New wheels for my "V8" - Jonathan moulds, 22 Jun 2006At last, finally got the scimitar wheels fitted to my V8 conversion. Now it looks a little more convincing than a badge!
The Bear at Le Mans - Steve Tromans, 20 Jun 2006Our club mascot accompanied us to Le Mans 2006.
MGA at Mt. St. Michel - Steve Tromans, 20 Jun 2006On the way to the 2006 Le Mans 24hr race we stopped at Mount St. Michel.
Not so fast get away - Jon Webb, 15 Jun 2006Taken just before my research into how long a ballon can remain stuck to a TF
MGF trip to the Dales - Peter Hood, 14 Jun 2006On the way to Speedwell Cavern
MGF - Peter Hood, 14 Jun 2006On the way to Speedwell Cavern
Daz 5146 in Scotland - Darren Neale, 14 Jun 2006Visting friends
MG's at Wimpole hall - simon prince, 13 Jun 2006Sunday 11th June. MG's enjoying the sun at the Eastern region Gathering and Picnic at Wimpole hall (What a great day!)
1973 and 1974 BGT - Michael Cooper, 10 Jun 2006My MGB GT's 1973 Black Tulip and 1974 Damask Red
MGB GT LE - Pete Bowler, 8 Jun 2006This is my GT which is in first rate order.I am always asked about it when out and about in it.
MGB GT LE - Peter Bowler, 8 Jun 2006New GT
TF 135 - Steve Randell, 1 Jun 2006Sunstorm with a few additions
My MG - Steve Randell, 1 Jun 2006These are 2 of our MG's 180 Sport ZT SE and the 135 Sunstorm.
MGF on Location - Robert wheeler, 31 May 2006My MGF on location in Glympton Nr Woodstock, Oxon
Old Crank - Peter Batty, 30 May 2006This is what an MGB crank looks like after 22years of sitting in a fully assembled engine. Dry Stored.
can't find the words! - Alan Holland, 29 May 2006This is my 2005 ZR 105+ facelift modelthey don't come much better.
MGA at Waddesdon Manor 2006 - Steve Tromans, 29 May 2006Sunday 28th May 2006.
MGB BT LE - Pete Bowler, 29 May 2006my MGB GT LE
ZS 180 - Pete Bowler, 27 May 2006Pete Bowler 2005 ZS 180
MGB GT LE - PETE BOWLER, 27 May 2006Pete bowler MGB GT LE
MGB GT LE - Pete Bowler, 27 May 2006My new old MG
Walton Show Morpeth Northunberland - Darren Neale, 26 May 2006A lovely day at Walton Show
Regency Run 2006 - Steve Hubbard, 25 May 2006Crossing the finish line at Brighton on this years Regency Run.
MGB GT LE - Pete Bowler, 24 May 2006My new MG
Sunshine... - Andy Barratt, 24 May 2006Ahh, those spring days. My B basking in the sunshine.
Perhaps the best looking GT of the Sixties - Jamie Brown, 22 May 2006My 1969 MGB GT in flame red.
C by the sea - paul Butler, 21 May 2006C by the sea
Midget in Luss - Martin Banks, 21 May 2006On my way to Crianlarich
My MGB GT - Rear - Mike Gee, 21 May 2006Blue Luce BGT 1974
My MGB GT - Passenger Side - Mike Gee, 21 May 2006Blue Luce BGT 1974
My MGB GT - interior - Mike Gee, 21 May 2006Blue Luce BGT 1974
My MGB GT - Front-Right - Mike Gee, 21 May 2006Blue Luce BGT 1974
My MGB GT - Front-Left - Mike Gee, 21 May 2006Blue Luce BGT 1974
My MGB GT - Front - Mike Gee, 21 May 2006Blue Luce BGT 1974
My MGB GT - Engine Bay - Mike Gee, 21 May 2006Blue Luce BGT 1974
My MGB GT - Driver - Mike Gee, 21 May 2006Blue Luce BGT 1974
MGB GT LE - Peter Bowler, 20 May 2006This is my mint 81 le a joy to own and drive
Interior - Jason Stanley, 19 May 2006Better than standard???
The finished article - Jason Stanley, 19 May 2006After 2 new wings, rear wing and respray.
Nearly there - Jason Stanley, 19 May 2006After 2 new wings, rear wing and respray.
A nice B on the beach - Chris Owen, 19 May 2006First nice days in summer and the camera on my phone proved it was good enough to take quality pictures(of quality subjects)!!
Last Cars - Peter Bowler, 18 May 2006Both my MGs have something in common apart from being a similar colour. The GT LE is one of the last made in Abingdon,and the ZS 180 is the last of the Longbridge Cars.
Regency Run 2006 - Peter Hood, 17 May 2006Brighton
Sunbeam - Mike Anderson, 17 May 2006Well I've posted pics of my B so here's my other car
MGB GT LE - Pete Bowler, 16 May 2006This is one of my Cars a mint 81 le.My other is a 2005 ZS 180.
2006 Charnwood Caper - Matt Lynham, 16 May 2006Lined up at the coffee stop
2006 Charnwood Caper - Matt Lynham, 16 May 2006Spot the difference!
2006 Charnwood Caper - Matt Lynham, 16 May 2006The finish point towards the end of the day - when I actually got chance to look around!
2006 Charnwood Caper - Matt Lynham, 16 May 2006Pete Sheffield's B -winner in its Class
2006 Charnwood Caper - Matt Lynham, 16 May 2006The Pride Of Ownership award winners
2006 Charnwood Caper - Matt Lynham, 16 May 2006A view of the start - a small section of the 70 cars attending
1970 Roadster - Bryan Dickman, 15 May 2006I recently bought this restored 1970 Roadster, took it to the office one sunny day, and a colleague recognised it as the car he had owned and sold over 15 years ago. It was BRG when he had it and has since been rebuilt on a Heritage shell. What a coincidence!
Millie back on form - Dave Hutton, 15 May 200667 Midget, not standard but I love her
REGENCY RUN 2006 - MADE IT - SIMON CHAPMAN, 15 May 2006Perhaps not by the most conventional route...but the Midget made it!
REGENCY RUN - FINISH LINE - SIMON CHAPMAN, 15 May 2006Crossing the finishing line!
REGENCY RUN 2006 - SIMON CHAPMAN, 15 May 2006Suddenly, my 1979 Midget didnt feel so old!
A QUICK REFILL!! - SIMON CHAPMAN, 15 May 2006A quick refill for the Midget and it was onwards to Brighton!
Regency Run 2006 - Peter Wood, 15 May 2006The finish at Brighton (note chalked arrows for those with difficulty parking!)
Regency Run 2006 - Peter Wood, 15 May 2006The start at Brooklands
MGF SE - Glynn Boldock, 14 May 2006Goodbye 67 GT, Hello MGF SE. Couldn`t keep up with bodywork as an `every day user`
My Baby - william pidgeon, 13 May 2006My Baby
Liz & her mate - Robert Hubbard, 12 May 2006Party Animal
Bedouin babes! - Chris webb, 12 May 2006Sabrina's Midget and Jenny's B after the Jersey Rally 2006. Anyone know of any more Bedoins?
Gorilla spotted at the Jersey Event - Steve Tromans, 12 May 2006Mr R Hubbard - Who by his own admission tried to get out of paying for the coach by disguising himself as a silly monkey
C/B Midgets - Sandra Buckley, 10 May 2006Chrome Bumper Midgets at Jersey Rally. The winner was the Aqua one owned by Ken Waylett of S.Wales. The Bedouin is from Dorset..........and who has spotted the AH Sprite?
R/B Midgets - Sandra Buckley, 10 May 2006Rubber Bumper Midgets at Jersey Rally
Jersey 2006 - Fancy Dress - Steve Tromans, 9 May 2006More fancy dress fun - Ozzie?
MGA Line - Jersey 2006 - Steve Tromans, 9 May 2006MGA's at the Concours competition
Jersey 2006 - Steve Tromans, 9 May 2006Sandra's very pink fancy dress costume.
New look to the front... - Terry Hoath, 8 May 2006Decided to remove the overriders as the chrome was pitting badly. Liked the bumper bare so then put on a honeycomb grille to complete the sleek look!
Its gonna cost you mate... - Martin Banks, 8 May 2006Oscar doesn't look impressed
My midnight blue BGT - Simon Murray, 8 May 2006Minilites on the way!
MGB and Healey - Simon Murray, 8 May 2006My MG and my dad's Healey 3000, don't even bother trying to keep up with that in the B!
MGB and Healey 3000 - Simon Murray, 8 May 2006My MG and my dad's Healey 3000, don't even bother trying to keep up with that in the B!
Party Animals - Sandra Buckley, 7 May 2006Group of partygoers at the Jersey Rally Fancy Dress Party
Showing a leg - Sandra Buckley, 7 May 2006Ged Wills from the Nottingham group at the drinks reception with Dizzy (full of Merlot)
AC Cobra at the Jersey Event - Sandra Buckley, 7 May 2006Peter De Rousset-Hall from Surrey in his AC Cobra, burning rubber with Dizzy as passenger.The car is the last ever genuine AC Cobra to be built. It will be here again next year for the Silver Jubilee.
Jersey Rally MGAs - Sandra Buckley, 7 May 2006MGA's at Jersey Rally concours
A's on Parade - Sandra Buckley, 7 May 2006MGA's at Jersey Rally concours
Max burning rubber - Sandra Buckley, 7 May 2006Max Nunn on the driving skill circuit at the Jersey rally
Jersey Rally - Sandra Buckley, 7 May 2006Chrome Bumper B's waiting to be judged on Peoples Park
BBS - Jersey Drinks Reception - Sandra Buckley, 7 May 2006Roger Pratten; Helen; Max Nunn; Sandra; Steve Tromans; Tony Stacey
BBS Group - Jersey Rally - Sandra Buckley, 7 May 2006Jack Rouse; Simon Rouse; Roche; Helen; Liz; Sandra; Roger Pratten; Max Nunn
Out in the sun - Hugh Griffiths, 7 May 2006Some decent sunny weather at last!
MG ZT-T260SE - Nich Tinker, 5 May 2006Rear nearside
MG ZT-T260SE - Nich Tinker, 5 May 2006Offside
MG ZT-T260SE - Nich Tinker, 5 May 2006Front View
May Day - Peter Hood, 1 May 2006First outing of the year and sun to boot - after the rain anyway!
May Day - Peter Hood, 1 May 2006First outing of the year and sun to boot!
Big Bertie and Little Bertie - John Roden, 28 Apr 2006My 1970 BGT with Oldswinford Hospital Schools Routemaster Bus, which I also drive.
Earliest Midget? - Alan Lo, 27 Apr 2006This is my Midget chasis GAN1/678 registered on 23/Aug/1961. There is one known earlier chasis car GAN1/664 but it was registered on 6/Sept/1961 reg. 322 EOJ, anyone know the owner?
Earliest Midget ? - Alan Lo, 27 Apr 2006Here is my GAN1/678 parked next to the last flying Concorde at Filton.
Earliest registered? - Alan Lo, 27 Apr 2006The Midget chasis is GAN1/678, registered on 23/Aug/1961. There is only one known earlier chasis car on the road GAN1/664 registered on 1/Sept/1961
Flower Power - Tim Carter, 26 Apr 2006Not mine, but my favourite model. Found on Top Gear Carbage
1966 and all that - Carl Dell, 25 Apr 2006In the Cotswolds
The one we walked away from... - Jonathan Betts, 24 Apr 2006..we were lucky! This is the '71 that I spent all last year putting back on the road, only for this to happen on a roundabout in Jan '06. God rest his soul.
The interior of my new GT - Jonathan Betts, 24 Apr 2006And this is the interior shot - thanks must go to Clive Royle, the previous owner, for all the care and attention to detail that he poured into this car!
My New GT! - Jonathan Betts, 24 Apr 2006This '68 Auto replaces the '71 model I had that got written off in January - roll on summer! Can't wait!
MGC meets MGB GT "V8". Well, sort of... - Jonathan Moulds, 24 Apr 20066 cylinder or 8? which would you take home?... ok there's only four cylinders at the moment. Just be patient!
"Hump on the Bonnet with an MGC!" - Jonathan Moulds, 24 Apr 2006Another shot of the MG line up in Atherstone.Don't ask what the caption is about!
MG - Jonathan Moulds, 24 Apr 2006Ah bless! Alan in the MGA is the only one that can't park properly!
MG's line up again in atherstone - Jonathan Moulds, 24 Apr 2006Ah bless! Alan in the MGA is the only one that cant park properly!
MG - Jonathan Moulds, 24 Apr 2006A group of MG enthusiasts assemble on St Georges day in Atherstone market square for a photo shoot.Unfortunately two chavs turned up in rubber bumper cars to interupt the furious pollishing of the chrome bumper brigade!
St. Georges Day Run, Atherstone - Simon veasey, 24 Apr 2006The Midlands Mafia once again clutter up Atherstone Market Square before sloping off to the pub!
A, B - Simon Veasey, 23 Apr 2006The Midlands Mafia meet up for St. Georges Day in Atherstone ... we also had a Mini, Austin 7 and Scimitar turn up for good measure!
Reborn - perry stephenson, 19 Apr 2006The 1975 engine lives again.
Sunny B - Chris Owen, 19 Apr 2006After an engine over haul and learning how to fold the roof properly, a sunny day at the beach is just what the doctor orderd!
My First MG - David Duncan, 17 Apr 2006Easter 2006 with my MGF 1.8VVC in Northumberland with youngest son.
Sherwood - Simon Roadhouse, 16 Apr 2006A day out in robin hood country
New light - Simon Roadhouse, 16 Apr 2006New high level brake light
RV8 - Gary Coates, 15 Apr 2006Wet day on Exmoor
Top Gears Stig poses with my MGB GT - Jonathan Moulds, 15 Apr 2006Yes, I am the stig...
My First MG - Nicholas Scales, 13 Apr 2006This is my first MG. A 96 MGF is BRG. I am looking forward to summer!
LTTLE RED DEVIL - Andrew Hoe, 12 Apr 2006My 1996 MGF 1.8 with a few mods
68 mgb - spencer brown, 11 Apr 2006my 68 mgb after winter renovations
Kimber Run 2006 - Peter Hood, 10 Apr 2006Mid-day stop at the Cromford Mill.
Kimber Run 2006 - Peter Hood, 10 Apr 2006Well, it was clean when I started......
Life Begins At 40 - Carl Dell, 10 Apr 20061966 and all that.
Life Begins At 40 - Carl Dell, 10 Apr 2006April 5th 1966-2006
My Garage - Carl Dell, 8 Apr 2006Great marque and great band.
1966-2006 - Carl Dell, 5 Apr 2006Happy 40th to my MGB
Flamenco Red! - H Smith, 3 Apr 2006The proud wearer of a new coat of Flamenco Red. (The learner will be kept well away from the steering wheel for a long time!) Thanks to Colin Groom for all his work.
30th Birthday - Becky Chant, 3 Apr 2006My 30th birthday present to myself :)
ZT260 engine - Tim Hayton, 1 Apr 2006Sweeeeet!!
Ready for Summer! - Alex Carnegie, 31 Mar 2006All that work over the winter has been worth it. Now, where shall we go?!
MG Midget 1500 - Ian Locker, 30 Mar 2006Ready for the summer.. if it ever gets here.
Austin 7 on Holiday - Ron Gaisford, 29 Mar 2006I know it isn't an MG, but it is a relative. Seen on a beach in Fuertaventura, Canary Isles.
My Garage - Ian Locker, 28 Mar 2006Room for another I Think
My Abingdon LE - douglas millar, 24 Mar 2006What a great car, roll on the summer
1972 MG BGT - Steve Ellis, 24 Mar 2006Just after I got my BGT in June.
Radiant Red Midget - David Reid, 23 Mar 2006Thought.. I'm putting in a lot more time now !!!!!!!!
Martin - Martin banks, 21 Mar 2006Got myself some new wheels and tyres...oh and that exhaust hehe
Martin's Midget with optional rear bazooka - Martin banks, 21 Mar 2006Got myself some new wheels and tyres...oh and that exhaust hehe
Where did it go? - Martin Banks, 21 Mar 2006Im sure my Midget is under here somewhere!
Another MG in the Family - Alan Stout, 20 Mar 2006This is another MG in the family...We have an "MGA Roadster","MGB Roadster", and now an MGF as well...
Heather our 1973 BGT - Nigel & Jo May, 19 Mar 2006Our first MGB GT, which we've owned since July 05.
76B USA - Ray Huckleberry, 14 Mar 20061976 CB Conversion this is almost a new vehicle except the body with what I've invested. What a joy to drive.
The Colonel - Gordon Lambert, 13 Mar 2006Well with a colour like this it just had to be - didn't it?
M.G.Fs in Scotland 05 - JOHN HOWSHAM, 11 Mar 2006Group PhotoNethybridge HotelScotland 05
time for a change - douglas millar, 10 Mar 2006time to move on ,from 1972 to 1998. main thing is.......... i'm still enjoying mg's
1973 BGT - Neil Oakes, 9 Mar 2006My 1973 model in Aconite.
ireland 2005 - keith hawes, 9 Mar 2006At the end of a long enjoyable day, a well earned rest .Looking out to sea
68 B Hood up - David Monkhouse, 7 Mar 2006Looks just as good! I think anyway
68 B - David Monkhouse, 7 Mar 20061968 Blue B, when I first purchased, having sills done this month.
Bumble the Black "B" - Dave Atkinson, 6 Mar 2006My first MG. Got bored at work and so took this picture
ZR in the sun - simon roadhouse, 5 Mar 2006Shiney ZR
1dayJust1day - keith hawes, 4 Mar 200674 roadster undergoing total rebuid,slowly but surely
At the end of the day. - keith hawes, 4 Mar 2006Photo taken on MGOC Ireland Run 2005
MGF SE Steptronic - JOHN HOWSHAM, 4 Mar 2006Chesterfield M.G.Group Shakedown Run 04
MGF SE Steptronic - JOHN HOWSHAM, 4 Mar 2006Scotland 05
MGF SE Steptronic - JOHN HOWSHAM, 4 Mar 2006Pendine Run 05
New snake eye lights - Simon Roadhouse, 3 Mar 2006Got the new lights on
Winter Sunshine - Steve Hubbard, 3 Mar 2006"Winter Sunshine"
Bashful GT - Steve Hubbard, 3 Mar 2006"Bashful GT"
Let It Snow - Steve Hubbard, 3 Mar 2006"Let it snow"
Stoneleigh MG Spares Day - Steve Tromans, 1 Mar 2006Small Photo 3
Stoneleigh MG Spares Day - Steve Tromans, 1 Mar 2006Small Photo 2
Stoneleigh MG Spares Day - Steve Tromans, 1 Mar 2006Gerard, Alan and Friends
Stoneleigh MG Spares Day - Steve Tromans, 1 Mar 2006How do you do!
Stoneleigh MG Spares Day - Steve Tromans, 1 Mar 2006I'm not the Stig
Stoneleigh MG Spares Day - Steve Tromans, 1 Mar 2006Snapper Snapped Again!
MG in the Snow 2 - Jonathan Moulds, 1 Mar 2006It's snowing in Wales! Surely that Inca paintwork melted the snow away?
MG in the Snow - Jonathan Moulds, 1 Mar 2006It's snowing in Wales! My little car looks like it is trying to hide its nose under a bush!
B at Chatsworth - Andy baguley, 28 Feb 2006Nice sheep in this picture
1978 Inca Yellow GT - Steve Hubbard, 27 Feb 2006CCH277T's interior, Ongar, Essex, 2006
1978 Inca Yellow GT - Steve Hubbard, 27 Feb 2006CCH277T photographed in the January sunshine, Ongar, Essex, 2006
1978 Inca Yellow GT - Steve Hubbard, 27 Feb 2006CCH277T photographed in Ongar, Essex, Jan 2006
1978 Inca Yellow GT - Steve Hubbard, 27 Feb 2006CCH277T outside a church in Ongar, Essex, Jan 2006
1978 Inca Yellow GT Engine. - Steve Hubbard, 27 Feb 2006The two copper pipes just below the carbs are the SU overflows. Note the chromed brake servo. The additional expansion tank to the right is for the windscreen washers.
My midlife crisis2 - Simon Veasey, 26 Feb 2006Pride of place on the drive with the V6 Rover 75 lurking in the background!
My midlife crisis2 - Simon Veasey, 26 Feb 2006Looking good from the rear!
Family transport - Jon Webb, 24 Feb 2006Imagine the childrens joy seeing our new car for the first time before they realised the one obvious drawback.
The ZS Beast - Graeme Barton, 23 Feb 2006Starlight Silver
Stoneleigh 19th Feb 2006 - Steve Tromans, 22 Feb 2006BBS members meeting
Stoneleigh 20th Feb 2006 - Steve Tromans, 22 Feb 2006Nice to meet you!
Snapper Re-Snapped - Steve Tromans, 22 Feb 2006Stoneleigh 19/2/2006
University life with an MG - Jonathan Moulds, 21 Feb 2006My BGT parked up in front of one of the many (UWB) university buildings.
My MG BGT Somewhere in the welsh mountains - Jonathan Moulds, 21 Feb 2006Had been feeling pretty rotten for a week, so took the car out for a drive.
MG ZR 105 + - Chris Brown, 21 Feb 2006Thanking Thomas Day Motors Fleet for a lovely Trophy Blue MG ZR recently attended the MG track day at Goodwood and drove beautifully
My 71 BGT - Simon Murray, 20 Feb 2006Midnight Blue, completely standard except for O/D and leather.
My 71 BGT - Simon Murray, 20 Feb 2006Midnight blue, completley standard accept for O/D and leather.
Snapper Snapped! - Matt Lynham, 19 Feb 2006Living life through a lens!
Stoneleigh 3 - Matt Lynham, 19 Feb 2006Or in this one?
Stoneleigh 2 - Matt Lynham, 19 Feb 2006Or in this one?
Stoneleigh 1 - Matthew Lynham, 19 Feb 2006Who's in this one?
Darren & Daz 5146 at work - Darren Neale, 17 Feb 2006Hard at work
Brown eyed girl - Marcus Welland, 17 Feb 2006Waiting for the summer.
brown eyed girl - Marcus Welland, 17 Feb 2006wiating for the summer
It shouldn - Bryn Hughes, 16 Feb 2006Just had to post this one. MGF on Ice in Switzerland.Found on the web.Bryn
My B again :-( - Chris Owen, 13 Feb 2006I'd been out of the car less than 5 mins,I'd just got back from taking a v8 for a spin,I was ontop of the world until I was alerted to this!
My B :-) - Chris Owen, 13 Feb 2006Not a great pic but as a first car I love it so very much,not sure on gender yet lol!
Drivers view - Neil Thomas, 12 Feb 2006The best view in the world?
Sunrise - Neil Thomas, 12 Feb 2006Early morning sun
Mint & Orginal - Richard Appleby, 9 Feb 2006Original MGB ready for the summer
Mint & Orginal - Richard Appleby, 9 Feb 2006Totally original 30,000 mile MGB Every MOT even came with all orginal handbook and welcome pack Purchased by me Nov 05 looking forward to the summer and showing her off.
MGF - John Bowler, 3 Feb 2006After 30 years of wanting an MG - I have finally splashed out on 'something for the weekend' !
Oldest Midget ? - Peter Meredith, 1 Feb 2006Another pic
Oldest Midget ? - Peter Meredith, 1 Feb 2006Additional to previous picture
MG ZS no 1 - Jared Benney, 1 Feb 2006My first taste of MG
Special extras - Jared Benney, 1 Feb 2006The x-power janspeed twin exaust upgrade
MG ZS no 2 - Jared Benney, 1 Feb 2006Decided it was time for an upgrade
White 71 MGB Roadster - Peter Staples, 31 Jan 2006Another shot of my first MG. Still can't work out why people buy modern cars....
White 71 MGB Roadster - Peter Staples, 31 Jan 2006This is my first MG. I've had it about 6 months and I'm lovin' it! Everyone should have one of these!
Oldest Midget ? - Peter Meredith, 31 Jan 2006My Midget is a 948cc Mk1, built in November 1961. Does anyone know of an older one ?
Oldest midget ? - Peter Meredith, 31 Jan 2006Midget Mk1 948cc, Nov 1961.Does anyone have an older one ?
Black Shadow - david ward, 29 Jan 2006Black body with cream leather say no more.
First race of the year - Kevin Singh, 27 Jan 2006New year, new tyres, same old driver :-)1st place too!
The B Roadster - Chris Owen, 24 Jan 2006Why do people do this,it just makes the day a bad one :-(
My B Roadster - Chris Owen, 24 Jan 2006Been driving her for 3 months now,first car....sooo happy!!!
Yellow & green still in a dream - Steve Anning, 20 Jan 2006Great car
Touch of a Tiger - Steve Anning, 20 Jan 2006Yellow & green what a dream
Spa six hours 2005 - alain van brussel, 16 Jan 2006Spridget at the bus stop chicane
Spa six hours 2005 - alain van brussel, 16 Jan 2006Rear view of pre war MG
Spa six hours 2005 - alain van brussel, 16 Jan 2006Classic and historic - 8DBL in the paddock/2
Spa six hours 2005 - alain van brussel, 16 Jan 2006Classic and historic - 8DBL in the paddock/1
Spa six hours 2005 - alain van brussel, 16 Jan 2006James Willis' closed MG at Spa/Francorchamps - side view
Spa six hours 2005 - alain van brussel, 16 Jan 2006James Willis' closed MG at Spa/Francorchamps - another shot at the bus stop chicane
Spa six hours 2005 - alain van brussel, 16 Jan 2006James Willis' closed MG at Spa/Francorchamps - at the bus stop chicane
Spa six hours 2005 - alain van brussel, 16 Jan 2006James Willis' closed MG at Spa/Francorchamps - second shot
Spa six hours 2005 - alain van brussel, 16 Jan 2006James Willis' closed MG at Spa/Francorchamps
My MG ZR - simon roadhouse, 14 Jan 2006IN THE SHOWROOM 2
My MG ZR - simon roadhouse, 14 Jan 2006IN THE SHOWROOM
My MG ZR - simon roadhouse, 14 Jan 2006JUST CLEANED
ZR 105+ - Simon Roadhouse, 13 Jan 2006SNOWED IN
Our Greatest Day - John Harle, 9 Jan 2006The evening of our wedding Day, 24 Sept 2005. Great car - FANTASTIC wife.. what more could a man want!!
MGF on holiday France 2005 - john scattergood, 7 Jan 2006My MGF on holiday in Charoux, South West France July 2005.
My MGF Nr Charoux, France - John Scattergood, 7 Jan 2006A lakeside break near Charoux, France July 2005