Epsom Area MGOC invite you to join us for “SURREY RUN 2025”. This charity fund raising event will start at Bocketts Farm, Fetcham near Leatherhead in Surrey.
The scenic route will cover a distance of about 60 miles finishing at the Gatwick Aviation Museum, Charlwood in Surrey. The Surrey Run entry fee of £24.00 includes free rally plate, route instructions and entry to the prize draw for those who complete the run. It also includes free entry for driver and passenger to the Aviation Museum.
Direct online booking is available via the website at www.epsommgoc.org.uk
For non-online bookings and cheque payments contact Pat Watson - 020 8397 2008.
Email - patricia@watsonkt9.f9.co.uk
All other enquiries to Nigel Swann - 01932 247140